Recent News
May 2024 -- The next generation of CW operators from Orca member Guy VA7GI's CW class recently completed their first on-air QSO with fellow Orca member Mark VA7MM. From left are Chris (11), Soarin (13) and mom Elsa. Well done to all!
ARRL International Digital next up: June 1-2
A more casual kind of contest is up next weekend -- the ARRL International Digital Contest. This is a worldweide event, very well attended and less stressful than CW, SSB or RTTY contests. Any digital mode except RTTY is permitted, so try FT8 or speedier (recommended) FT4. Oh, and don't forget 6M -- QSOs on 50Mhz count, too!
Read about ARRL International Digital
Reminder: Submit your score for CQ WPX CW
Bands were hit by C-class flares but still thousands of stations were on for CQ WPX CW weekend, May 25-26. See the contest rules for instructions on submitting your Cabrillo-format log to the sponsors for official scoring.
Don't forget to post your score to the 3830 Contest Scores site afterward, so they count toward Orca's club total in the year-long Pacific Northwest Challenge Cup competition with our friends from Willamette Valley, Western Washington, Spokane, and Idaho.
Read the CQ WPX CW Rules
Adam Farson, VA7OJ (SK)
March 19, 2024 -- Regretfully, we share news of the passing of Adam Farson VA7OJ. Adam was the 2022 recipient of the Dayton Hamvention Technical Achievement Award. He was very well known as an expert in testing of amateur radio equipment and was the moderator on the ICOM IC-7610 Users Group among many other technical pursuits. Adam was 83 years old and was a member of many clubs including Orca DXCC.
The 2023 Pacific Northwest DX Convention in New Westminster, BC, has drawn to a close. More than 110 DXers enjoyed talks that took us from Bouvet to Botswana to Vanuatu, and into the near (and far) future of artificial intelligence. Thanks to all who attended, and special thanks to the sponsors and donors who made it a great gathering!
Visit the PNW DX Convention website
BCQP 2023 Contest Report
Check out the very comprehensive post-contest report and final scores for the 2023 BC QSO Party. Results are provided for stations in BC, and outside BC.
2023 Report | 2023 BC Results | 2023 W/VE/DX Results
Radio and test gear for sale
Orca DXCC member Jim Smith VE7FO (sk) was a professional engineer and lifelong radio amateur. He enjoyed contesting and DXing with quality equipment. A variety of items from his estate are offered for sale to Orca members before the list goes to a wider audience.
More info and list of items...
Isabel Healy-Morrow VE7ICH (SK)
With great sadness we share news of the passing of Reverend Captain Canon Isabel Healy Morrow, VE7ICH, on March 26, 2023. Isabel passed away after a lengthy illness surrounded by her family in Kamloops, BC.
Isabel is the wife of Dwight Morrow VE7BV. Dwight and Isabel have been members of Orca since the start of the club in 2010. Our deepest condolences to Dwight and his family, and the many who knew Isabel.
Update: Bouvet Island team reports they are QRT and out of fuel as of 1200z Feb. 13, 2023 (latest news). The #2 most-wanted DXCC entity is being activated by a large team traveling by boat to the most remote uninhabited place on Earth.
Visit the DXpedition webpage
Watch for Vanuatu YJ0A Feb. 9 to 23 2023
"Pacific travelers" Bob W7YAQ and Al K7AR will put YJ0A on the air Feb. 9 to 23. The plan is for 160M to 10M CW, FT8 and CW. They'll run multi-op single in ARRL DX CW. Logs via ClubLog and QSL through OQRS, LoTW or directo via buereau to K7AR.
Richard Thompson, VE7XT (SK)
December 6, 2022 -- We share the sad news of the recent passing of Richard Thompson VE7XT of Victoria, BC. Richard lost a battle with cancer at the very early age of 62. He was a member of Orca DXCC and the Westcoast Amateur Radio Association. As reported by Mark VA7MM "the radio community has lost an avid CW operator. Richard was often in CW contests and frequently posted to CWT Ops, last posting on November 11th." Our heartfelt condolences go to Richard's family and friends.
David Frost, VE7VF (SK)
November 30, 2022 -- With sadness we have learned of the recent passing of David Frost VE7VF, of Vancouver, BC. David was not on the air much in recent years but his wife said he was happy to be a member of Orca DXCC, which helped him stay passionate about ham radio. He was 93 and had been an avid DXer for decades.
Among his contributions to amateur radio, David was a DXCC Card Checker for the American Radio Relay League. Our condolences to David's wife, family and many friends.
Jim Smith, VE7FO (SK)
Nov. 10, 2022 -- We are saddened by the passing of Orca DX and Contest Club and BC DX Club member Jim Smith, VE7FO, of Vancouver, BC. Jim was an avid DXer and contester, passionate about mentoring younger hams and new contesters.
Our condolences to Jim's family and his many friends at home and around the world. He will be missed.
Read: Jim Smith, VE7FO (SK)
Special presentation Tuesday, May 17:HF terrain analysis and your station
The Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club (C.A.R.E.S.S.) will host a presentation on high-frequency terrain analysis (HFTA) by Adrian VE7NZ on Tuesday, May 17 at 19:00 PDT. The presentation will be at the VE7SCC club station, live via Zoom, and livestreamed on YouTube.
Read more about the presentation...
Jim Smith, VE7FO (SK)
Nov. 10, 2022 -- We are saddened by the passing of Orca DX and Contest Club and BC DX Club member Jim Smith, VE7FO, of Vancouver, BC. Jim was an avid DXer and contester, passionate about mentoring younger hams and new contesters.
Our condolences to Jim's family and his many friends at home and around the world. He will be missed.
Read: Jim Smith, VE7FO (SK)
Canadian Prairies QSO Party
The inaugural Canadian Prairies QSO Party hits the air May 14-15, 2022. From 10M to 40M, participants will chase CW and SSB contacts in 62 prairies district multipliers across Manitoba, Sasketchwan and Alberta.
Mike VE7ACN: IOTA Expeditioner of the Year
Big congratulations to Orca member Mike Zavarukhin VE7ACN/RW0CN on receiving the 2020 IOTA Expeditioner of the Year Award! The award was announced live on Ham Nation on May 27.
View the announcement (starts at 54:48)
Membership Renewal
Club members are reminded that 2021 dues are $24 -- they can be paid by PayPal or cheque/check. More...
Join the club!
The Orca DX and Contest Club
always welcomes new members. See who has already joined!
Rich VE6AX won an IC-7300 transceiver courtesy of Icom. An FT-1200 from Yaesu was won by Paul K7BT.
We had a great time in New West
Thank you to all who joined us for the 63rd annual Pacific Northwest DX Convention. We'll see everyone again in Everett, WA, for the next convention hosted by the Western Washington DX Club (Aug. 9-11, 2019).
View the photo gallery
PNW Cup update (May 23, 2017)
Jim VE7FO has updated the club totals for this year's PNW Challenge Cup.
With only July's IARU HF World Championship to go, Willamette Valley DX Club leads Orca DXCC by 21 million points. If you didn't get on for WPX CW in May, plan to help by operating in IARU in July -- make some contacts for your club!
How to submit your scores | Eligible contests
Island contesting from Coal Point (Saanich)
Dave VE7VR takes us on a video tour of his latest contest site near Saanich on Vancouver Island. Check out the small islet just for antennas and cozy cottage for the operator. Salt-water amplifier included.
View the video tour
CN78 activation on Labour Day weekend
Here's your chance to put a rare gridsquare in the log on Labour Day weekend. The roving TeamTopLeft -- Orca members Mike "Shoey" Shoesmith (VE7KPM/VA7FC) and Matt Borghese (VA7USD/W7USD) will be in CN78 on Vancouver Island Sept. 4-6, 2021.
CN78 straddles the Strait of Juan de Fuca, covering the remote tip of Washington's Olympic Peninsula and much of Vancouver Island's southwest coast. It's considered a rare grid for anyone chasing the Fred Fish Memorial Award (FFMA) by confirming 6M QSOs with all 488 gridsquares that include any part of the continental United States.
TeamTopLeft will be working HF and VHF, uploading logs to Logbook of the World and (FT8 digital QSOs also uploaded to
Read more about TeamTopLeft's activations
Thanks for joining us
From July 25 to 27, hams from BC, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and points beyond the Pacific Northwest (see the list) enjoyed excellent presentations, swapped tales of the ones they worked and the ones that got away, and enjoyed ideal sunny weather at New Westminster, BC's Inn at the Quay.
We are very grateful to these major donors and all the vendors who helped make the 2014 Pacific Northwest DX Convention such a great experience. (See the prize winners)
Thanks from Amsterdam Is. DX Group
A letter of thanks has been received from the group organizing the Jan. 2014 DXpedition to Amsterdam Is.
2013 Sea-Pac Convention
Billed as the Northwest's largest ham convention, the 2013 Sea-Pac Convention is May 31 to June 2, 2013, in Seaside, OR.
YL Ops: Their Struggles and Achievements
Orca DXCC member Elizabeth VE7TLK has prepared a special presentation about YL amateur radio operators, their struggles and achievements. View the presentation on the YL Radio website.
Obituary for Bill Slaughter VE7WS
Bill Slaughter VE7WS passed away on May 18 (obituary). Bill was the owner of Burnaby Radio Communications Ltd. Burnaby Radio will be open on June 8-9, 2013 for fellow hams to pay their respects.
What did you do this summer? At the Sept. 11, 2012, meeting, the latest exploits of several club members were recounted. View the presentation with photos (PDF 1.9MB). Read about it in Orca Report (#18).
2012 Pacific Northwest DX Convention
The 2012 Pacific Northwest DX Convention is in Portand, OR, August 3-5.
Pacific Northwest DX Convention, Aug. 12-14, 2011
The The 2011 PNW DX Convention was August 12 to 14 in Everett, WA. See who's attending | View PDF flyer.
Past DX news
W8S, Swains Is. March 2023 YJ0A, Vanuatu Feb. 9-23 2023 3Y0J, Bouvet Jan.-Feb. 2023 CY0S, Sable Is. Oct.-Nov. 2022 TL8AA, Central African Republic (TL8ZZ on FT8) Nov. 2022 A25VR, Botswana (Dave VE7VR) Apr. 28-May 25, 2022 DX0NE, Spratly Is. Aug.-Dec. 2022 VK0MQ, Macquarie Is. June-Oct. 2022 5R8LH, Madagascar Aug. 1-Sep. 9 2022 VP8PJ, South Orkney Feb. 21-Mar. 6,2020 TO7DL, Reunion Is. Mar. 4-16, 2020 TX8A, New Caledonia Mar. 10-18, 2020 TX0T, Tatakoto Atoll Oct. 29-Nov. 5, 2020 ZC4UW, Cyprus UK Sovereign Base Jan. 2-7 E44RU, Palestine Jan. 5-14 VK9CZ, Cocos Keeling Is. Nov. 12-29, 2019 VP6R, Pitcairn Is. Oct. 18-Nov. 1, 2019 7P8AO, Lesotho Oct. 1-19 JD1BMH, Chichi Jima Is. Dec. 17-Jan. 2, 2019 TX0M & TX0A, French Polynesia Dec. 4-18, 2018 ZA/OU2I, Albania Nov. 21-26, 2018 VK9XQ, Christmas Is. Nov. 10-17, 2018 Ducie Is., VP6D: Oct. 20-Nov. 3, 2018 Curacao, PJ2/VA7AM: Oct. 23-Nov. 2, 2018 and PJ2T for CQWW SSB Kosovo, Z68HZ: Aug. 17-27, 2018 Baker Is., KH1/KH7Z: June 27-July 7, 2018 Mozambique, C8T: May 2-15, 2018 Bouvet Is., 3Y0Z: Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2018 Brunei, V85/KC0W: Nov. 24-Dec. 10, 2017 Seychelles, S79K: Nov. 25-26, 2017 Cocos Keeling Is., VK9CZ: Oct. 23-Nov. 17, 2017 Christmas Is., VK9XGJ: Oct. 1-21, 2017 North Cook Is., E51AMF: Jan. 11-Feb. 6, 2017 Guatemala, TG9BBV TG9/VE7BV: Dwight will be on from TG9 Apr. 21-May 15, 2017 Cocos Keeling Is., VK9CGJ: Sep. 12-30, 2017 Curacao, PJ2/VA7AM: Dave operated from PJ2 Mar. 20 to 27, 2017 (WPX SSB with PJ2T) Austral Is., FO/A: Feb. 15-Mar. 3, 2017 (VE7KW VA7DX W5RF)
The world points to Heard Island
Heard Island is the longest-inactive DXCC entity, last activated in 1997.
Cezar VE3LYC joined a team activating new IOTA entity OC-286, part of an expanded ZL9 New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands DXCC entity. ZL9 is #37 on the ClubLog Most-Wanted Mixed and SSB lists. Tuvalu T2TT & Fiji 3D2RJ : Nov. 29-Dec. 9, 2015 Orca members VE7CT, KW7XX, N7RO and W7IV were on th team. Willis Is., VK9WA : Nov. 14-23, 2015 Team included Orca members VE7NY and VE7SZ. Chesterfield Is., TX3X: Oct. 1-12, 2015 Chatham Is., ZL7E: Apr. 3-15, 2015 Malawi, 7QAA: Mar. 11 to Apr. 1, 2015.
The international team in Malawi included Orca members Don VE7DS, Keith VE7KW and Neil VA7DX. Tromelin, FR/T: Oct. 30-Nov. 10, 2014. Lord Howe Is., VK9DLX: Oct. 13 to 29, 2014. West Kiribati, T30D: Oct. 2 to 15, 2014. Vanuatu, YJ0X: Oct. 3 to 15, 2014. Tokelau, ZK3: Oct. 8, 2014. Mellish Reef, VK9MT: Mar. 29 to Apr. 5, 2014. (Departed early due to weather) Chatham Is., ZL7AAA: Mar. 20 to April 1, 2014.Orca member Sandro VE7NY was along on this one. Aves Is., YW0A: Est. Nov. 1, 2013, to Feb. 28, 2014. Christmas Is., VK9X/K7CO: Mar. 1 to 11, 2014. Sao Tome & Principe, S9TF: Feb. 1 to 13, 2014. Marshall Is., V73DL: Feb. 4 to 17, 2014. Amsterdam Is., FT5ZM: Jan. 24 to Feb. 12, 2014. Benin, TY1TT: Jan. 26 to Feb. 6, 2014. Bhutan, A52JR: Jan. 31 to Feb. 4, 2014. Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), 1A0KM: Jan. 2 to 7, 2014. Orca member Sandro VE7NY is part of an international team. SMOM, HV0A: Jan. 8 to 10, 2014. Sandro VE7NY extended operation from SMOM. Kiritimati (Christmas) Is., T32RC: Dec. 4 to 11, 2013, featuring Dick N7RO and Dean KW7XX from Orca DXCC. Bangladesh: Nov. 18 to 30, 2013. Banaba, T33A: Nov. 5 to 18, 2013. Juan Fernandez, XR0ZR: Nov. 8 to 20, 2013. Wake Atoll, K9W: Nov. 3 to 15, 2013. Austral Is., TX5RV: Orca member Don VE7DS and Dave K3EL -- Oct. 30 to Nov. 6, 2013. Easter Is., CE0Y: Nov. 1 to 7, 2013. Mayotte, TO2TT: Oct. 3 to 17, 2013. Congo, TN2MS: Oct. 12 to 24, 2013. Mozambique, C82DX: Oct. 15 to 22, 2013. Sable Is., CY0P: Oct. 1 to 11, 2013. Lord Howe Is., VK9LL: Sept. 22 to 29, 2013. Myanmar, XZ1Z: Sept. 18 to 23, 2013. Rodrigues Is., 3B9EME: Sept. 2 to 13, 2013. Norfolk Is., VK9NT: May 3 to 13, 2013. P5/K6VVA: The Locust has a plan for P5. Also see the Intrepid DX Group's P5 Project Marion Is., ZD8D: April 2013 to May 2014. Samoa, 5W0M: Apr. 4 to 18, 2013. Cocos-Keeling Is., VK9C/GM2MP: Mar. 30 to Apr. 13, 2013. Easter Is., XR0YG: Mar. 20 to 27, 2013. Chatham Is., ZL7LC: Mar. 14 to 20, 2013. Clipperton Is., TX5K: (6M Special) Mar. 1 to 10, 2013. Rodrigues Is., 3B9DX: Mar. 1 to 10, 2013. Spratly Is., 9M4SLL: Mar. 10 to 18, 2013. Vietnam, XV2DLH: Feb. 15 to 26, 2013. Burundi, 9U9U: Feb. 14 to 23, 2013. Uganda, 5X8C: Feb. 6 to 18, 2013. Lord Howe Is., VK9L: Jan. 11-18, 2013.
Super job accomplished by the team, which included Orca member Don VE7DS. Lesotho, 7P8D: : Nov. 23 to Dec. 3, 2012.
Congratulations to the 7P8D team including Keith VE7MID, Neil VA7DX, and Bill VE7XS. Vietnam, XV4LU & XV4DD: SSB/RTTY Jan. 12 to 16, 2013. Aitutaki, E51E: Dec. 10 to Jan. 5, 2013. Mauritania, 5T0SP: Nov. 24 to Dec. 10, 2012. Campbell Is., ZL9HR: Nov. 28 to Dec. 9, 2012. St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks, PT0S: : Nov. 9 to 22, 2012. Brunei, V84SMD: Nov. 11 to 22, 2012. Rodrigues Is., 3B9SP: Oct. 16 to 23, 2012. Reunion Is., FR/DJ7RJ: Sep. 26 to Oct. 21, 2012. Chad, TT8TT: Oct. 3 to 16, 2012. Conway Reef, 3D2C: Sep. 26 to Oct. 5, 2012. Tristan da Cunha, ZD9UW: Sep. 27 to Oct. 4, 2012. Cocos (Keeling), VK9CS: Sep. 21 to 28, 2012. Swains Is., NH8S: Sep. 5 to 16. Comoros Is., D64K: August 2012. Spratly Is., 9M4SLL: Aug. 7 to 13. St. Paul Is., CY9M: July 26 to Aug. 1. SMOM (Order of Malta) 1A0C: July 1 to 4, 2012. Bhutan, A52: Four ops active June 6 to 14, 2012. Bhutan, A5A: May 24 to June 6, 2012. Somaliland, 6O3A: May 25 to 30, 2012. Somalia, 6O0CW: Active May 7 to 18, 2012. Macau, XX9: May 17 to 23, 2012. Yemen, 7O6T: Active April 30 to May 15, 2012. Spratly, 9M0L: Active Apr. 10 to 24, 2012. Swaziland, 3DA0FC: Active Apr. 6 to 10, 2012. North Cook Is., E51M: Active Mar. 28 to Apr. 10, 2012. Botswana, A25: Orca members Keith VE7MID and Don VE7DS were active Mar. 18 to 27, 2012 -- Don as A25DS and Keith as A25KW -- from Lotsane Safari Lodge. Tonga, A35YZ: Mar. 7 to 24, 2012. Svalbard, JW: JW2XNA & JW8HGA Mar. 16 to 20. Annobon Is., 3C0E: Mar. 2 to 11, 2012. Equatorial Guinea, 3C6A: Feb. 22 to Mar. 1, 2012. Swaziland, 3DA0PW: Feb. 21 to 29, 2012. Wallis Is., FW0NAR: Jan. 28 to Feb. 20, 2012. Futuna Is., TW0F: Feb. 5 to 10, 2012. Nauru, C21HA: Jan. 10 to Feb. 7. Mayotte, TO4M: Jan. 28 to Feb. 5, 2012. Malpelo, HK0NA: Jan. 21 to Feb. 5, 2012. Pitcairn Is., VP6T: Jan. 20 to Feb. 4, 2012. Togo, 5V7MA: Active Dec. 19 to Jan. 4, 2012. Ethiopia, ET3AA: Active Dec. 8 to Dec. 13, 2011. Tuvalu, T2T: Active Nov. 11 to Dec. 8, 2011. Nepal, 9N7MD: Active Nov. 14 to 24, 2011. Maldives, 8Q7CC: Active Nov. 2 to 12, 2011. Guinea, 3X: 3XY1D Oct. 18 to Nov. 1, 2011. Marquesas, TX7M: Oct. 19 to Nov. 1, 2011. Bhutan, A52AB: Active Oct. 25 to Nov. 1, 2011. Marquesas, TX5A: CQWW SSB Oct. 29 to Oct. 30, 2011. East Kiribati, T32C: Sep. 28 to Oct. 26, 2011. Temotu, H40: H40KJ Oct. 8 to 21, 2011. Rotuma, 3D2R: Sep. 27 to Oct. 7, 2011. East Timor, 4W6A: Sep. 16 to 26, 2011. Easter Is., CE0Y/I2DMI: Aug. 1 to 9. South Sudan, ST0R: July 22 to Aug. 10. Ascension Is., ZD8D: July 24 to Aug. 9. Lord Howe Is., VK9HR: July 23 to Aug. 1. Jan Mayen Is., JX5O: July 6 to 16. St. Pierre & Miquelon, FP/VA2WA: July 7 to 11. Fernando de Noronha, PY0FO: July 2 to 9. Bonaire, PJ4E: June 5 to 19. Trinidade, PP0T: April 28 to June 15. Cocos (Keeling), VK9CI: May 31 to June 7. Madagascar, 5R8KS: IZ4AKS May 31 to June 6. Afghanistan, T6PSE: 10-day visit in May was cancelled. VE1AWW/CY0 is on Sable and active 80M-6M SSB on weekends. Albania, ZA: ZA/LZ1UQ and ZA/LZ2HM ended May 5. Central Kiribati, T31A: April 20 to 28. Mayotte, TO2FH : April 18 to 25. Seychelles, S79UFT: Mar. 24 to Apr. 15. Andaman Is. VU4PB Mar. 15 to 31. Bangladesh, S21YZ: Mar. 17 to 30. Revillagigedo, 4A4A: Mar. 3 to 20. Lesotho, 7P8: 7P8CF & 7P8KDJ were on Mar. 11 to 20. Sable Island, CY0 DXpedition active Mar. 7 to 15. Albania, ZA: ZA/I2GPT was on 40M-17M, QRT Mar. 13. Cocos (Keeling) VK9C/G6AY: DXpedition ended Mar. 5. New PJ entities were activated in Oct. West Kiribati T30: T30OU and T30YA ended Feb. 22. Chad TT8: Activated Feb. 15 to 21. Cameroon TJ9PF: QRT as of Feb. 20. Mauritius 3B8 & Rodrigues Is. 3B9: QRT as of Feb. 21. Sao Tome & Principe, S9DX: 160M-6M DXpedition was active Feb. 4 to 17, 2011. South Orkney, VP8ORK: QRT as of Feb. 8. Kermadec Is., ZL8X is now QRT. QSLs via Logbook of the World began appearing Feb. 17 -- check your LoTW account. Ujelang Atoll, V73QQ new IOTA was activated in early Dec. Read the Marshall Islands Dxpedition story

JAN. 12, 2011 -- Spratly, DX0DX: DXpedition has been postponed. Latest news.
Madagascar, 5R8X was active until Nov. 10. Togo, 5V7TT DXpedition was active until Oct. 23.
2024 Contests
ARRL Field Day June 22-23 (rules). All Asian DX CW June 15-16 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 8-10 (rules). ARRL Intl. Digital June 1-2 (rules). King of Spain CW May 18-19 (rules). Canadian Prairies QSO Party May 11-12 (rules). 50 MHz Spring Sprint May 11-12 (rules). Volta RTTY May 11-12 (rules). QSO Parties May 4-5 (7QP | Indiana | Delaware | New England). CQWW WPX CW May 25-26 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Apr. 28 (rules). SP DX RTTY Apr. 27-28 (rules). CQMM DX Apr. 20-21 (rules). Japan International DX CW Apr. 13-14 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 6-7 (rules). CQWW WPX Phone Mar. 30-31 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 19-21 (rules). ARRL International DX SSB Mar. 2-3 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 24-25 (rules). ARRL International DX CW Feb. 17-18 (rules). CQWW RTTY Feb. 10-11 (rules). BCQP Feb. 3-4 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 27-28 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 13-14 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 6-7 (rules). SARTG New Year RTTY Jan. 1 (rules).
2023 Contests
RAC Winter Dec. 30 (rules). Stew Perry Top Band Challenge Dec. 30-31 (rules). OK RTTY Dec. 16 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec. 9-10 (rules). FT Roundup Dec. 2-3 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 1-3(rules). CQWW DX CW Nov. 25-26 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Nov. 18-20 (rules). Worked All Europe DX RTTY Nov. 11-12 (rules). JIDX Phone Nov. 11-12 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 4-6 (rules). CQWW Phone Oct. 28-29 (rules). JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 21-22 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 12-13 (rules). California QSO Party (CQP) Oct. 7-8 (rules). CQWW RTTY Sep. 23-24 (rules). Washington State Salmon Run Sep. 16-17 (rules). ARRL September VHF Sep. 9-11 (rules). NA Sprint CW Sep. 10 (rules). Tennessee QSO Party Sep. 3-4 (rules). Worked All Europe DX CW Aug 12-13 (rules). NAQP CW Aug 5-6 (rules). CQWW VHF July 15-16 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 15-16 (rules). IARU HF World Championship July 8-9 (rules.) ARRL Field Day June 24-25 (rules). All Asian DX CW June 17-18 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 10-12 (rules). CQ WPX CW May 27-28 (rules.) ARRL Intl. Digital (no RTTY) May 13-14 (rules). Canadian Prairies QSO Party May 13-14 (rules). QSO Parties May 6-7 (7QP | Indiana | Delaware | New England). SP DX RTTY Apr. 22-23 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Apr. 23 (rules). Ontario QSO Party Apr. 15-16 (rules). Quebec QSO Party Apr. 16 (rules). JIDX CW Apr. 8-9 (rules). EA RTTY Contest Apr. 2-3 (rules). CQWW WPX SSB Mar. 25-26 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 18-20 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 11-12 (rules). Stew Perry Topband Challenge Mar. 11-12 (rules). FT4 DX Contest Feb. 25-26 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 25-26 (rules). ARRL Intl. DX CW Feb. 18-19 (rules). CQWW WPX RTTY Feb. 11-12 (rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 4-5 (rules). CQ 160M Jan. 27-29 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 28-29 (rules). ARRL January VHF Jan. 21-23 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 21-22 (rules). HA DX Contest Jan. 21-22 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 14-15 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 7-8 (rules).
2022 Contests
RAC Winter Dec. 17 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec. 10-11 (rules). FT Roundup Dec. 3-4 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 2-6 (rules). CQWW DX CW Nov. 26-27 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Nov. 19-21 (rules). Worked All Europe DX RTTY Nov. 12-13 (rules). JIDX Phone Nov. 12-13 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 5-7 (rules). CQWW SSB Oct. 29-30 (rules). JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 15-16 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 8 (rules). California QSO Party Oct. 1-2 (rules). CQWW RTTY Sept. 24-25 (rules). Washington State Salmon Run Sept. 17-18 (rules). ARRL Sept. VHF Sept. 10-12 (rules). Worldwide Digi DX Aug. 27-28 (rules). SARTG RTTY Aug. 20-21 (rules). NAQP SSB Aug. 20-21 (rules). Worked All Europe CW Aug. 13-14 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 6-7 (rules). RSGB IOTA July 30-31 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 16-17 (rules). CQ Worldwide VHF July 16-17 (rules). IARU HF World Championship July 9-10 (rules). RAC Canada Day July 1 (rules). ARRL Field Day June 25-26 (rules). All Asia DX CW June 18-19 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 11-12 (rules). ARRL Intl. Digi June 4-5 (rules). CQWW WPX CW May 28-29 (rules). King of Spain CW May 21-22 (rules). Volta RTTY May 14-15 (rules). Canadian Prairies QSO Party May 14-15 (rules). ARI International CW May 7-8 (rules). QSO Parties May 7-8 (7QP | Indiana | Delaware | New England). Florida QSO Party Apr. 30-May 1 (rules). SP DX RTTY Apr. 23-24 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Apr. 24 (rules). CQMM DX Apr. 16-17 (rules). Ontario QSO Party Apr. 16-17 (rules). JIDX CW Apr. 9-10 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 2-3 (rules). SP DX Contest 2022 Cancelled (reason). CQ WPX SSB Mar. 26-27 (rules). ARRL DX SSB Mar. 5-6 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 12-13 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 19-21 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 26-27 (rules). FTn DX Feb. 26-27 (rules). ARRL Intl. DX CW Feb. 19-20 (rules). CQ WPX RTTY Feb. 12-13 (rules). XE RTTY Feb. 5-6rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 5-6 (rules). CQ 160M Jan. 28-30 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 22-23 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 22-23 (rules). ARRL January VHF Jan. 15-17 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 15-16 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 8-9 (rules). SARTG New Year Jan. 1 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec. 11-12 (rules). RAC Winter Dec. 18 (rules). Stew Perry Top Band Challenge Dec. 18-19 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 3-5 (rules). FT Roundup Dec. 4-5 (rules). CQWW CW Nov. 27-28 (rules). ARRL Phone Sweepstakes Nov. 20-22 (rules). Worked All Europe RTTY Nov. 13-14 (rules). ARRL CW Sweepstakes Nov. 6-8 (rules). CQWW SSB Oct. 30-31 (rules). YBDX WW FT8 Oct. 23-24 (rules).
2021 Contests
JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 16-17 (rules). QSO Parties Oct. 16-17 (NY | IL). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 9-10 (rules). QSO Parties Oct. 9-10 (NV | AZ | PA| SD). California QSO Party Oct. 2-3 (rules). Russian WW Digital Sep. Oct. 2-3 (rules). CQ WW RTTY Sep. 25-26 (rules). SAC CW Sep. 18-19 (rules). WA State Salmon Run Sep. 18-19 (rules). BARTG Sprint PSK63 Sep. 19 (rules). Worked All Europe Phone Sep. 11-12 (rules). ARRL Sept. VHF Sep. 11-13 (rules). All Asia DX Phone Sep. 4-5 (rules). Russian WW RTTY Sep. 4 (rules). RTTYops WW (formerly SCC RTTY) Aug. 27-28 (rules). Worldwide Digi DX Aug. 27-28 (rules). SARTG WW RTTY Aug. 21-22 (rules). Keyman's Club of Japan Aug. 21 (rules). NAQP SSB Aug. 21-22 (rules). Worked All Europe CW Aug. 14-15 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 7-8 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 17-18 (rules). CQWW VHF July 17-18 (rules). IARU HF Championship July 10-11 (rules). DL-DX RTTY July 3-4 (rules. RAC Canada Day July 1 (rules). All Asian DX CW June 19-20 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 12-14 (rules). CQWW WPX CW May 29-30 (rules). Volta RTTY WW May 8-9 (rules. QSO Parties May 1-2 (7QP | IN | DE | New England). Florida QSO Party Apr. 24-25 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Apr. 25 (rules). CQMM WW Apr.17-18 (rules). Ontario QSO Party Apr. 17-18 (rules). JIDX CW Apr. 10-11 (rules). FT8 DX Apr. 10-11 (rules). QSO Parties Apr. 10-11 (NE | NM | GA | ND). SP DX Apr. 3-4 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 3-4 (rules). CQ WPX SSB Mar. 27-28 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 20-22 (rules). Russian DX Mar. 20-21 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 13-14 (rules). ARRL DX Phone Mar. 6-7 (rules). FT4 DX Contest Feb. 27-28 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 27-28 (rules). CQ 160M SSB Feb. 26-28 (rules). ARRL Intl. DX CW Feb. 20-21 (rules). CQWW WPX RTTY Feb. 13-14 (rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 6-7 (rules). Mexico XE RTTY Feb. 6-7 (rules). European Union EU DX Feb. 6-7 (rules). CQ 160M CW Jan. 29-31 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 23-24 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 16-17 (rules). ARRL January VHF Jan. 16-18 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 9-10 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 2-3 (rules). SARTG New Year RTTY Jan. 1 (rules).
2020 Contests
Stew Perry Top-Band Dec. 26-27 (rules). RAC Winter Dec. 19 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec. 12-13 (rules). FT Roundup Dec. 5-6 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 4-6 (rules). CQWW DX CW Nov. 28-29 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes Phone Nov. 21-23 (rules). JIDX Phone Nov. 14-15 (rules). Worked All Europe RTTY Nov. 14-15 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 7-9 (rules). Russian WW MultiMode Oct. 31-Nov. 1 (rules). CQWW DX SSB Oct. 24-25 (rules). JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 17-18 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 10-11 (rules). RSGB DX Contest Oct. 4 (rules). Russian WW Digital Oct. 3-4 (rules). California QSO Party Oct. 3-4 (rules). CQWW DX RTTY Sep. 29-30 (rules). Washington State Salmon Run Sep. 19-20 (rules). BARTG 75 Sprint Sep. 20 (rules). Worked All Europe SSB Sep. 12-13 (rules). Russian RTTY WW Sep. 5 (rules). WW Digi DX Aug. 29-30 (rules). SARTG WW RTTY Aug. 15-16 (rules). NAQP SSB Aug. 15-16 (rules). Worked All Europe CW Aug. 8-9 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 1-2 (rules). RSGB IOTA July 25-26 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 18-19 (rules). CQWW VHF July 18-19 (rules). IARU HF World Championship July 11-12 (rules). DL DX RTTY July 4-5 (rules). RAC Canada Day July 1 (rules). ARRL Field Day June 27-28 (rules). All Asian DX CW June 20-21 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 13-15 (rules). Digifest June 6-7 (rules). CQWW WPX CW May 30-31 (rules). King of Spain CW May 16-17 (rules). 50 MHz Spring Sprint May 9-10 (rules). Volta RTTY May 9-10 (rules). QSO Parties May 2-3 (7QP | Indiana | Delaware | New England). BARTG RTTY 75 Sprint Apr. 26 (rules). SP DX RTTY Apr. 25-26 (rules). Ontario QSO Party Apr. 18-19 (rules). CQMM DX Contest Apr. 18-19 (rules). Japan International DX CW Apr. 11-12 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 4-5 (rules). CQWW WPX SSB Mar. 28-29 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 21-23 (rules). RSGB 80M FT4 Series Mar. 16 and monthly (rules). YB DX RTTY Mar. 14 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 14-15 (rules). ARRL DX SSB Mar. 7-8 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 29-Mar. 1 (rules). CQ 160M SSB Feb. 21-23 (rules). ARRL DX CW Feb. 15-16 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 25-26 (rules). CQ 160-Meter CW Jan. 24-26 (rules). CQ WW RTTY WPX Feb. 8-9 (rules). British Columbia QSO Party Feb. 1-2 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 18-19 (rules). ARRL January VHF Jan. 18-20 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 11-12 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 4-5 (rules). SARTG New Year RTTY Jan. 1 (rules).
2019 Contests
Stew Perry Topband Challenge Dec. 28-29 (rules). RAC Winter Dec. 28 (rules). OK DX RTTY Dec. 21 (rules). ARRL 160M CW Dec. 6-8 (rules). FT Roundup (FT8/FT4) Dec. 7-8 (rules). Russian WW MultiMode Nov. 30-Dec. 1 (rules). CQWW DX CW Nov. 23-24 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Nov. 16-17 (rules). Worked All Europe RTTY Nov. 9-10 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 2-4 (rules). CQWW DX Phone Oct. 26-27(rules). JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 19-20 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 12-13 (rules). California QSO Party CQP Oct. 5-6 (rules). Russian WW Digital Oct. 5-6 (rules). CQWW DX RTTY Sept. 28-29 (rules). BARTG 75 Sprint Sept. 15 (rules). ARRL September VHF Sept. 14-16 (rules). Worked All Europe SSB Sept. 14-15 (rules). All Asia DX Phone Sept. 7-8 (rules). Russian RTTY WW Sep. 7 (rules). SCC RTTY Championship Aug. 24-25 (rules). SARTG WW RTTY Aug. 17-18 (rules). NAQP SSB Aug. 17-18 (rules). Worked All Europe DX CW Aug. 10-11 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 3-4 (rules). RSGB IOTA July 27-28(rules). CQWW VHF July 20-21 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 20-21 (rules). IARU HF World Championship July 13-14 (rules). DLDX RTTY July 6-7 (rules). RAC Canada Day July 1 (rules). ARRL Field Day June 22-23 (rules). All Asian DX CW June 15-16 (rules). Ukrainian DX RTTY June 15-16 (rules). Stew Perry Top Band Challenge June 15-16 (rules). DRCG WW RTTY June 8 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 8-10 (rules). CQWW WPX CW May 25-26 (rules). King of Spain CW May 18-19 (rules). Volta RTTY May 11-12 (rules). 50 MHz Spring Sprint May 11-12 (rules). QSO Parties May 4-5 (7QP | Indiana | Delaware | New England). SP DX RTTY Apr. 26-27 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Apr. 28 (rules). CQ MM Manchester Mineira Apr. 20-21 (rules). Ontario QSO Party Apr. 20-21 (rules). SP DX Apr. 6-7 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 6-7 (rules). JIDX CW Apr. 13-14 (rules). FT8 DX Apr. 13-14 (rules). CQWW WPX SSB Mar. 30-31 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 16-18 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 9-10 (rules). ARRL International DX SSB Mar. 2-3 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 23-24 (rules). ARRL International DX CW Feb. 16-17 (rules). CQ WPX RTTY Feb. 9-10 (rules). Mexico RTTY International Feb. 2-3 (rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 2-3 (rules). CQ 160M CW Jan. 25-27 (rules). BARTG Sprint Jan. 26-27 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 19-20 (rules). ARRL January VHF Jan. 19-21 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 5-6 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 12-13 (rules). SARTG New Year RTTY Jan. 1 (rules).
2018 Contests
Stew Perry Top Band Dec. 30 (rules). RAC Winter Dec. 29 (rules). OK DX RTTY Dec. 15 (rules). FT8 Roundup Dec. 1-2 (rules). ARRL 160M Nov. 30-Dec. 2 (rules). WAE DX RTTY Nov. 10-11 (rules). ARRL November Sweepstakes Phone Nov. 17-19 (rules). CQWW DX CW Nov. 24-25 (rules). ARRL November Sweepstakes CW Nov. 3-5 (rules). CQWW DX Phone Oct. 27-28 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 13-14 (rules). Russian WW Digital Oct. 6-7 (rules). CQWW DX RTTY Sept. 29-30 (rules). BARTG 75 Srint Sept. 16 (rules). Worked All Europe CW Aug. 11-12 (rules). Worked All Europe SSB Sept. 8-9 (rules). ARRL September VHF Sept. 8-10 (rules). All Asia DX Phone Sept. 1-2 (rules). SCC RTTY Championship Aug. 25-26 (rules). SARTG WW RTTY Aug. 18-19 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 4-5 (rules). RSGB IOTA July 28-29 (rules). DMC RTTY July 21-22 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 21-22 (rules). CQWW VHF July 21-22 (rules). IARU HF World Championship July 14-15 (rules). DL DX RTTY July 7-8 (rules). RAC Canada Day July 1 (rules). ARRL Field Day June 23-24 (rules). All Asian DX CW June 16-17 (rules). Ukrainian DX Classic RTTY June 16-17 (rules). Stew Perry Topband Challenge June 16-17 (rules). DRCG WW RTTY June 9-10 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 9-10 (rules). King of Spain CW May 19-20 (rules). CQWW WPX CW May 26-27 (rules). Volta RTTY May 12-13 (rules). ARI Intl. DX May 5-6 (rules). QSO PARTIES: May 5-6 (7QP | Indiana | Delaware | New England). SP DX RTTY Apr. 28-29 (rules). Florida QSO Party: Apr. 28-29 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Apr. 29 (rules). CQMM DX (Manchester Miniera) Apr. 21-22 (rules). QSO PARTIES: Apr. 21-22 (Nebraska | Michigan | Ontario). JIDX CW Apr. 14-15 (rules). Yuri Gagarin Intl. DX Apr. 14-15 (rules). SP DX Apr. 7-8 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 7-8 (rules). Russian WW Multimode Mar. 31-Apr. 1 (rules). CQWW WPX SSB Mar. 24-25 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 17-19 (rules). Russian DX Mar. 17-19 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 10-11 (rules). Stew Perry TBDC Mar. 10-11 (rules). ARRL Intl. DX SSB Mar. 3-4 (rules). CQ 160M SSB Feb. 23-25 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 24-25 (rules). ARRL Intl. DX CW Feb. 17-18 (rules). CQWW WPX RTTY Feb. 10-11 (rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 3-4 (rules). CQ 160M Jan. 26-28 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 28-29 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 20-21 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 13-14 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 6-7 (rules). SARTG New Year RTTY Jan. 1 (rules).
2017 Contests
RAC Winter Dec 30 (rules). OK DX RTTY Dec 16 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec 9-10 (rules). 10M RTTY Dec. 3 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 1-3 (rules). CQWW DX CW Nov. 25-26 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes Phone Nov. 18-20 (rules). Worked All Europe RTTY Nov. 11-12 (rules). JIDX Phone Nov. 11-12 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 4-6 (rules). CQ WW SSB Oct. 28-29 (rules). JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 21-22 (rules). Stew Perry Top Band Oct. 21-22 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 14-15 (rules). Russian WW Digital Oct. 7-8 (rules). California QSO Party Oct. 7-8 (rules). CQWW RTTY Sep. 23-24 (rules). Scandinavian SAC CW Sept. 16-17 (rules). Washington State Salmon Run Sep. 16-17 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Sep. 17 (rules). Worked All Europe SSB Sept. 9-10 (rules). ARRL September VHF Sep. 9-11 (rules). All Asian DX Phone Sep. 2-3 (rules). Russian RTTY WW Sep. 2 (rules). Worked All Europe CW Aug. 11-12 (rules). Keymans Club of Japan Contest Aug. 19-20 (rules). NAQP SSB Aug. 19-20 (rules). SCC RTTY Aug. 26-27 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 5-6 (rules). ARRL 220 and Up DX Aug. 5-6 (rules). RSGB IOTA July 29-30 (rules). IARU HF World Championship July 8-9 (rules). DMC RTTY July 15-16 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 15-16 (rules). CQWW VHF July 15-16 (rules). RAC Canada Day July 1 (rules). DL-DX RTTY July 1-2 (rules). Ukrainian DX Digi June 24-25 (rules). ARRL Field Day June 24-25 (rules). All Asia DX CW June 17-18 (rules). Ukrainian Classic WW RTTY June 17-18 (rules). Stew Perry Top Band Challenge June 17-18 (rules). DRCG WW RTTY June 10-11 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 10-12 (rules). DigiFest (RTTY75-PSK63) June 3-4 (rules). CQ WPX CW May 27-28 (rules | Podcast). UN DX May 20 (rules). Aegean RTTY May 20-21 (rules). King of Spain CW May 20-21 (rules | Podcast). EU PSK DX May 20-21 (rules). Volta RTTY May 13-14 (rules | Podcast). CQ-M International DX May 13-14 (rules). 7QP May 6-7 (rules | Podcast). Indiana QSO Party May 6-7 (rules | Podcast). Delaware QSO Party May 6-7 (rules | Podcast). New England QSO Party May 6-7 (rules | Podcast). ARI International DX May 6-7 (rules | Podcast). Florida QSO Party Apr. 29-30 (rules | Podcast). SP DX RTTY Apr. 22-23 (rules | Podcast). BARTG 75 RTTY Apr. 23 (rules). CQ Man-Min DX Apr. 15-16 (rules). JIDX CW Apr. 8-9 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 1-2 (rules). CQ WPX SSB Mar. 25-26 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 11-12 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 18-20 (rules). Russian DX Mar. 18-19 (rules). ARRL DX SSB Mar. 4-5 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 25-26 (rules). CQ 160-Meter SSB Feb. 24-26 (rules). ARRL DX CW Feb. 18-19 (rules). CQ WPX RTTY Feb. 11-12 (rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 4-5 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 28-29 (rules). CQ 160M Jan. 27-29 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 21-22 (rules). ARRL January VHF Jan. 21-22 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 14-15 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 7-8 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec. 10-11 (rules). OK RTTY Dec. 17 (rules). RAC Winter Dec. 17 (rules). Stew Perry TBDC Dec. 17-18 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 2-4 (rules). CQWW CW Nov. 26-27 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes Phone Nov. 19-21 (rules). Worked All Europe DX RTTY Nov. 12-13 (rules). JIDX Phone Nov. 12-13 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 5-7 (rules).
2016 Contests
CQWW SSB Oct. 29-30 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 8-9 (rules). Oceania DX CW Oct. 8-9 (rules). JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 15-16 (rules). TARA PSK Rumble Oct. 1 (rules). Russian WW Digital Oct. 1-2 (rules). California QSO Party Oct. 1-2 (rules). CQWW RTTY Sept. 24-25 (rules). Scandinavian SAC CW Sept. 17-18 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 RTTY Sept. 18 (rules). Worked All Europe SSB Sept. 10-11 (rules). All Asian DX Phone Sept. 3-4 (rules). Russian WW RTTY Sept. 3 (rules). SCC RTTY Aug. 27-28 (rules). SARTG WW RTTY Aug. 20-21 (rules). NAQP SSB Aug. 20-21 (rules). WAEDX CW Aug. 13-14 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 6-7 (rules). IOTA July 30-31 (rules). IARU HF World Championships July 9-10 (rules). DMC RTTY July 16-17 (rules). CQWW VHF July 16-17 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 16-17 (rules). Canada Day Contest July 1 (rules). DLDX RTTY July 2-3 (rules). ARRL Field Day June 25-26 (rules). All Asia CW June 18-19 (rules). DCRG WW RTTY June 11-12 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 11-13 (rules). CQWW WPX CW May 28-29 (rules). King of Spain CW May 21-22 (rules). Volta WW RTTY May 14-15 (rules). ARI International DX May 7-8 (rules). 7QP May 7-8 (rules). Indiana QSO Party May 7-8 (rules). Delaware QSO Party May 7-8 (rules). New England QSP Party May 7-8 (rules). SPDX RTTY Apr. 23-24 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Apr. 24 (rules). TARA Skirmish Apr. 16 (rules). Man-Min DX Apr. 16-17 (rules). JIDX CW Apr. 9-10 (rules). Russian WW Multimode Apr. 30-May 1 (rules). SP DX Apr. 2-3 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 2-3 (rules). CQWW WPX SSB Mar. 26-27 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 19-21 (rules). Russian DX Mar. 19-20 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 12-13 (rules). ARRL DX SSB Mar. 5-6 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 27-28 (rules). CQ 160M SSB Feb. 26-28 (rules). ARRL DX CW Feb. 20-21 (rules). CQWW RTTY WPX Feb. 13-14 (rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 6-7 (rules). Mexico RTTY Feb. 6-7 (rules). CQ 160M CW Jan. 29-31 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 23-24 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 16-17 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 9-10 (rules). ARRL RTTY Round UP Jan. 2-3 (rules).
2015 Contests
Stew Perry 160M TBDC Dec. 26 (rules). RAC Winter Dec. 19 (rules). OK DX RTTY Dec. 19 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 4-6 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec. 12-13 (rules). 10M RTTY Dec. 6 (rules). CQ WW CW Nov. 28-29 (rules). Worked All Europe RTTY Nov. 14-15 (rules). JIDX Phone RTTY Nov. 14-15 (rules). OK/OM CW Nov. 14-15 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Nov. 21-23 (rules). Ukrainian DX Nov. 7-9 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 7-9 (rules). CQ WW DX SSB Oct. 24-25 (rules). JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 17-18 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 10-11 (rules). Oceania DX CW Oct. 10-11 (rules). TARA PSK Rumble Oct. 3 (rules). Oceania DX Phone Oct. 3-4 (rules). Russian WW Digital Oct. 3-4 (rules). California QSO Party Oct. 3-4 (rules). CQ WW RTTY Sep. 26-27 (rules). SAC Scandinavian CW Sep. 19-20 (rules). Washington Salmon Run Sep. 19-20 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Sep. 20 (rules). Worked All Europe SSB Sep. 12-13 (rules). ARRL September VHF Sep. 12-13 (rules). Russian RTTY WW Sep. 5 (rules). All Asian DX Phone Sep. 5-6 (rules). SCC RTTY Aug. 29-30(rules). SARTG RTTY Aug. 15-16 (rules). WAE CW Aug. 8-9 (rules). TARA Grid Dip Aug. 1 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 1-2 (rules). RSGB IOTA July 25-26 (rules). DMC RTTY July 18-19 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 18-19 (rules). CQWW VHF July 18-19 (rules). IARU HF World Championship July 11-12 (rules). DL DX RTTY July 4-5 (rules). ARRL Field Day June 27-28 (rules). All Asian DX CW June 20-21 (rules). Ukranian DX RTTY June 20-21 (rules). DRCG WW RTTY June 13-14 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 13-15 (rules). CQWW WPX CW May 30-31 (rules). UN DX May 23 (rules). EU PSK May 23-24 (rules). King of Spain CW May 16-17 (rules). Aegean RTTY May 16-17 (rules). Volta WW RTTY May 9-10 (rules). CQ-M Intl. DX May 9-10 (rules). ARI Intl DX May 2-3 (rules). 7QP QSO Party May 2-3 (rules). Indiana QSO Party May 2-3 (rules). Delaware QSO Party May 2-3 (rules). New England QSO Party May 2-3 (rules). SP DX RTTY Apr. 25-26 (rules). Florida QSO Party Apr. 25-26 (rules). BARTG 75 Apr. 26 (rules). TARA Skirmish Apr. 18 (rules). CQ Manchester Mineira DX Apr. 18-19 (rules). Michigan QSO Party Apr. 18-19 (rules). North Dakota QSO Party Apr. 18-19 (rules). Nebraska QSO Party Apr. 18-19 (rules). Ontario QSO Party Apr. 18-19 (rules). JIDX CW Apr. 11-12 (rules). Gagarin DX Apr. 11-12(rules). SP DX Apr. 4-5 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 4-5 (rules). CQWW WPX SSB Mar. 28-29 (rules). CQ 160M SSB Feb. 27-Mar. 1 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 28-Mar. 1 (rules). ARRL DX SSB Mar. 7-8 (rules). ARRL DX CW Feb. 21-22 (rules). CQ WPX RTTY Feb. 14-15 (rules). Vermont QSO Party Feb. 7-8 (rules). Minnesota QSO Party Feb. 7-8 (rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 7-8 (rules). XE RTTY Feb. 7-8 (rules). NA Sprint CW Feb. 8 (rules). NA Sprint SSB Feb. 1 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 17-18 (rules). CQ 160M CW Jan. 23-25 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 25-26 (rules). ARRL January VHF Jan. 24-26 (rules). SARTG New Year RTTY Jan. 1 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 3-4 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 11-12 (rules).
2014 Contests
OK DX RTTY Dec. 20 (rules). DARC Christmas Dec. 26 (rules). RAC Winter Dec. 27 (rules). Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge Dec. 27-28 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 6-7 (rules). TARA RTTY Melee Dec. 6 (rules). Ten Meter RTTY Contest Dec. 7 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec. 13-14 (rules). CQWW CW Nov. 29-30 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Nov. 15-17 (rules). LZ DX Nov. 22-23 (rules). Worked All Europe RTTY Nov. 8-9 (rules). JIDX SSB Nov. 8-9 (rules).
CQWW Phone Oct. 25-26 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 1-3 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 11-12 (rules). JARTS RTTY Oct. 18-19 (rules). TARA PSK Rumble Oct. 4 (rules). Oceania DX Phone Oct. 4-5 (rules). Russian WW Digital Oct. 4-5 (rules). California QSO Party Oct. 4-5 (rules). Oceania DX CW Oct. 11-12 (rules). Scandinavian Activity Contest CW Sep. 20-21 (rules). WA State Salmon Run Sep. 20-21 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Sep. 21 (rules). CQWW RTTY Sep. 27-28 (rules). Russian RTTY WW Sep. 6 (rules). All Asia DX Phone Sep. 6-7 (rules). WAEDC Phone Sep. 13-14 (rules). ARRL September VHF Sep. 13-14 (rules). SCC RTTY Aug. 30-31 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 2-3 (rules). Worked All Europe CW Aug. 9-10 (rules). SARTG WW RTTY Aug. 16-17 (rules). RSGB IOTA July 26-27 (rules). DL-DX RTTY July 5-6 (rules). IARU HF World Championship July 12-13 (rules). DMC RTTY July 19-20 (rules). CQ WW VHF July 19-20 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 19-20 (rules). Canada Day Contest July 1 (rules). ARRL Field Day June 28-29 (rules). All Asian DX CW June 21-22 (rules). Stew Perry Top Band June 21-22 (rules). DRCG RTTY June 14-16 (rules). ARRL VHF June 14-16 (rules). DigiFest June 7-8 (rules). SeaNet Contest June 7-8 (rules). CQWW WPX CW May 24-25 (rules). Volta RTTY May 10-11 (rules). Indiana QSO Party May 3-4 (rules). 7th Call Area QSO Party May 3-4 (rules). New England QSO Party May 3-4 (rules). SP DX RTTY Apr. 26-27 (rules). BARTG 75 Apr. 27 (rules). TARA Skirmish Apr. 19 (rules). CQ Man-Min DX Apr. 19-20 (rules). JIDX CW Apr. 12-13 (rules). SP DX Apr. 5-6 (rules). CQ WPX SSB Mar. 29-30 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 15-17 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 8-9 (rules). ARRL DX SSB Mar. 1-2 (rules). CQ 160M SSB Feb. 21-23 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 22-23 (rules). ARRL DX CW Feb. 15-16 (rules). CQ WPX RTTY Feb. 8-9 (rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 1-2 (rules). XE RTTY Feb. 1-2 (rules). NA Sprint CW Feb. 2 (rules). CQ 160M CW Jan. 24-26 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 25-26 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 18-19 (rules). ARRL January VHF Jan. 18-20 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 11-12 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 5-6 (rules). SARTG New Year Jan. 1 (rules).2013 Contests
Stew Perry Dec. 28-29 (rules). RAC Winter Dec. 28 (rules). OK DX RTTY Dec. 21 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec. 14-15 (rules). 10M RTTY Dec. 8 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 6-8 (rules). TARA RTTY Melee Dec. 7 (rules). CQWW CW Nov. 23-24 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Nov. 16-18 (rules). Worked All Europe RTTY Nov. 9-10 (rules). JIDX Phone Nov. 9-10 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 2-4 (rules). CQWW SSB Oct. 26-27 (rules). JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 19-20 (rules). Pre-Stew (160M) Oct. 19-20 (rules). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 12-13 (rules). Oceania DX CW Oct. 12-13 (rules). Scandinavian Activity Contest SSB Oct. 12-13 (rules). TARA PSK Rumble Oct. 5 (rules). Oceania DX Phone Oct. 5-6 (rules). California QSO Party Oct. 5-6 (rules). CQWW RTTY Sept. 28-29 (rules). Scandinavian Activity Contest CW Sept. 21-22 (rules). South Carolina QSO Party Sept. 21-22 (rules). Washington Salmon Run Sept. 21-22 (rules). BARTG Sprint 75 Sept. 22 (rules). Worked All Europe SSB Sept. 14-15 (rules). ARRL September VHF Sept. 14-16 (rules). NA Sprint SSB Sept. 15 (rules). Russian RTTY Sept. 7 (rules). All Asia DX SSB Sept. 7-8 (rules). NA Sprint CW Sept. 8 (rules). CW Ops CW Open Aug. 31 (rules). SCC RTTY Aug. 24-25 (rules). NAQP SSB Aug. 17-18 (rules). Worked All Europe CW Aug. 10-11 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 3-4 (rules). RSGB IOTA -- Islands on the Air July 27-28 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 20-21 (rules). CQWW VHF July 20-21 (rules). IARU HF World Championship July 13-14 (rules). DL-DX RTTY July 6-7 (rules). RAC Canada Day July 1 (rules). ARRL Field Day June 22-23 (rules). All Asia DX CW June 15-16 (rules). ARRL June VHF June 8-10 (rules). SEANET Contest June 1-2 (rules). CQ WPX CW May 25-26 (rules). Volta RTTY May 11-12 (rules). 7QP May 4-5 (rules). Indiana QSO Party May 4-5 (rules). New England QSO Party May 4-5 (rules). SP DX RTTY Apr. 27-28 (rules). Florida QSO Party Apr. 27-28 (rules). BARTG 75 RTTY Apr. 28 (rules). TARA Skirmish Apr. 20 (rules). Manchester Mineira CW Apr. 20-21 (rules). JIDX CW Apr. 13-14 (rules). SP DX Apr. 6-7 (rules). EA RTTY Apr. 6-7 (rules). CQWW WPX SSB Mar. 30-31 (rules). Nauryz DX Mar. 23 (rules). RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Mar. 9-10 (rules). Russian DX Mar. 16-17 (rules). BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 16-18 (rules). ARRL DX SSB Mar. 2-3 (rules). CQ 160M SSB Feb. 22-24 (rules). NAQP RTTY Feb. 23-24 (rules). ARRL DX CW Feb. 16-17 (rules). CQ WPX RTTY Feb. 9-10 (rules). Vermont QSO Party Feb. 2-3 (rules). Minnesota QSO Party Feb. 2-3 (rules). BC QSO Party Feb. 2-3 (rules). Delaware QSO Party Feb. 2-3 (rules). XE RTTY Feb. 2-3 (rules). NA Sprint CW Feb. 3 (rules). CQ 160M CW Jan. 25-27 (rules). BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 26-27 (rules). NAQP SSB Jan. 19-20 (rules). ARRL Jan. VHF Sweepstakes Jan. 19-21 (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup Jan. 5-6 (rules). NAQP CW Jan. 12-13 (rules). SARTG New Year RTTY Jan. 1 (rules).
2012 Contests
RAC Winter Dec. 29 (rules).
Stew Perry Topband Dec. 29-30 (rules).
RAEM International HF CW Dec. 23 (rules).
OK DX RTTY Dec. 15 (rules).
ARRL 10M Dec. 8-9 (rules).
ARRL 160M Nov. 30-Dec. 2 (rules).
TARA RTTY Melee Dec. 1 (rules).
RTTY 10M Dec. 2 (rules).
CQWW CW Nov. 24-25 (rules).
ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Nov. 17-19 (rules).
Worked All Europe RTTY Nov. 10-11 (rules).
JIDX Phone Nov. 10-11 (rules).
ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 3-5 (rules).
On Nov. 18, 2012, the V26B Antigua contest station was destroyed by fire. A rebuilding fund has been established to get this valuable multiplier back to full capability.
CQWW Phone Oct. 27-28 (rules).
JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 20-21 (rules).
Stew Perry Practice Oct. 20-21 (rules).
Makrothen RTTY Oct. 13-14 (rules).
NA Sprint RTTY Oct. 14 (rules).
California QSO Party Oct. 6-7 (rules).
CQWW RTTY Sep. 29-30 (rules).
BARTG 75 Sep. 23 (rules).
Scandinavian SAC CW Sep. 15-16 (rules).
WA Salmon Run Sep. 15-16 (rules).
NA Sprint SSB Sep. 16 (rules).
ARRL Sept. VHF QSO Party Sep. 8-10 (rules).
NA Sprint CW Sept. 9 (rules).
All Asian DX Phone Sep. 1-2 (rules).
Russian RTTY WW Sep. 1 (rules).
SCC RTTY Aug. 25-26 (rules).
SARTG RTTY Aug. 18-19 (rules).
NAQP SSB Aug. 18-19 (rules).
WAE CW Aug. 11-12 (rules).
TARA Grid Dip Aug. 4 (rules).
NAQP CW Aug. 4-5 (rules).
RSGB IOTA July 28-29 (rules).
NAQP RTTY July 21-22 (rules).
CQWW VHF July 21-22 (rules).
IARU HF World Championship July 14-15 (rules).
DLDX RTTY July 7-8 (rules).
RAC Canada Day July 1 (rules).
ARRL Field Day June 23-24 (rules).
All Asia DX CW June 16-17 (rules).
ARRL June VHF June 9-11 (rules).
DRCG RTTY Long Distance Contest June 9-10 (rules).
(formerly ANARTS... this is a fun one!)
CQ WPX CW May 26-27 (rules).
Volta RTTY May 12-13 (rules).
CQ-M DX May 12-13 (rules).
7QP 7th Area QSO Party May 5-6 (rules).
Indiana QSO Party May 5-6 (rules).
New England QSO Party May 5-6 (rules).
Nebraska QSO Party Apr. 28-29 (rules).
SP DX RTTY Apr. 28-29 (rules).
Florida QSO Party Apr. 28-29 (rules).
BARTG 75 Sprint Apr. 29 (rules).
Man-Min CW Apr. 21-22 (rules).
Michigan QSO Party Apr. 21-22 (rules).
South Dakota QSO Party Apr. 21-22 (rules).
Ontario QSO Party Apr. 21-22 (rules).
YU DX Apr. 21-22 (rules).
JIDX CW Apr. 14-15 (rules).
SP DX CW/SSB Apr. 7-8 (rules).
EA RTTY Apr. 7-8 (rules).
CQWW WPX SSB Mar. 24-25 (rules).
BARTG HF RTTY Mar. 17-19 (rules).
RSGB Commonwealth Contest Mar. 10-11 (rules).
ARRL DX SSB Mar. 3-4 (rules).
NAQP RTTY Feb. 26 (rules).
CQ 160M SSB Feb. 24-26 (rules).
ARRL DX CW Feb. 18-19 (rules | DX list).
CQWW WPX RTTY Feb. 11-12 (rules | DX list ).
BC QSO Party Feb. 4-5 (rules | Results | 2012 Report).
CQ 160M CW Jan. 27-29 (rules).
BARTG RTTY Sprint Jan. 28-29 (rules).
NAQP SSB Jan. 21-22 (rules).
ARRL VHF Sweepstakes Jan. 21-23 (rules).
NAQP CW Jan. 14-15 (rules).
RTTY Roundup Jan. 7 (rules).
SARTG New Year RTTY Jan. 1 (rules).
2011 Contests
RAC Winter Dec. 17 (rules). OK DX RTTY Dec. 17 (rules). Stew Perry TBDC Dec. 17-18 (rules). ARRL 10M Dec. 10-11 (rules). ARRL 160M Dec. 2-4 (rules). TARA RTTY Melee Dec. 3 (rules). 10M RTTY Test Dec. 4 (rules). CQWW CW Nov. 26-27 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Nov. 19-21 (rules). Worked All Europe RTTY Nov. 12-13 (rules). JIDX Phone Nov. 12-13 (rules). ARRL Sweepstakes CW Nov. 5-7 (rules). CQWW SSB Oct. 29-30 (rules). Stew Perry Top Band Warmup Oct. 22-23 (rules). JARTS WW RTTY Oct. 15-16 (rules). QSO Parties Oct. 15-16 (New York | Iowa). Makrothen RTTY Oct. 8-9 (rules). Oceania DX CW Oct. 8-9 (rules). California QSO Party Oct. 1-2 (rules). CQWW RTTY Sep. 24-25 (rules). SAC Scandinavian Activity Contest CW Sep. 17-18 (rules). Washington State Salmon Run Sep. 17-18 (rules). NA SSB Sprint Sep. 18 (rules). BARTG 75-baud Sprint Sep. 18 (rules). Worked All Europe SSB Sep. 10-11 (rules). ARRL Sept. VHF QSO Party Sep. 10-11 (rules). Russian RTTY WW Sep. 3 (rules). All Asia SSB Sep. 3-4 (rules). SCC RTTY Aug. 27-28 (rules). SARTG WW RTTY Aug. 20-21 (rules). NAQP SSB Aug. 20-21 (rules). Worked All Europe CW Aug. 13-14 (rules). NAQP CW Aug. 6-7 (rules). RSGB IOTA July 30-31 (rules). NAQP RTTY July 16-17 (rules). CQWW VHF July 16-17 (rules). IARU World Championship July 9-10 (rules). RAC Canada Day contest was July 1 (rules). DL-DX RTTY contest was July 2-3) (rules). ARRL Field Day was June 25-26 (rules and info | entry form). All Asian DX CW was June 18-19 (rules). Stew Perry TBDC was June 18-19 (rules). DRCG Long Distance RTTY Challenge was June 11-12 (rules). WPX CW was May 28-29 (rules). Volta RTTY was May 14-15 (rules). 7th Call Area (7QP) is over (May 7-8) (rules | 2011 results). New England QSO Party is over (May 7-8) (rules). Indiana QSO Party is over (May 7-8) (rules). Florida QSO Party (1600z) is over (April 30-May 1) (rules). BARTG 75 baud RTTY is over (April 30) (rules). SP DX RTTY is over (April 23-24) (rules). CQ Man Min is over (April 16-17) (rules). JIDX Contest is over (April 9-10) (rules). EA RTTY is over (April 2-3) (rules). SP DX is over (April 2-3) (rules). CQ WPX SSB is over (Mar. 26-27) (rules | 2010 results). BARTG HF RTTY is over (Mar. 19-21) (rules | 2010 results). ARRL DX SSB is over (Mar. 5-6) (rules). NAQP RTTY is over (Feb. 27) (rules). CQ 160M SSB is over (Feb. 25-27) (rules). ARRL DX CW is over (Feb. 19-20) (rules | Orca scores). CQWW RTTY WPX is over (Feb. 12-13) (rules). NAQP RTTY is over (Feb. 27) (rules). CQ 160M SSB is over (Feb. 25-27) (rules). ARRL DX CW is over (Feb. 19-20) (rules | Orca scores). CQWW RTTY WPX is over (Feb. 12-13) (rules). Note: You can submit your ARRL contest logs with "CLUB: ORCA DX AND CONTEST CLUB" in the Cabrillo header. BC QSO Party is over (rules). CQ 160M CW is over (rules). ARRL RTTY Roundup is over (rules | 2010 results). NAQP CW is over (rules | 2010 Aug. preliminary results). RAC Winter contest is over (rules | 2009 results). Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge is over (rules).
NAQP disallows Skimmer for single-ops
DEC. 24, 2010 -- If you're planning on entering the CW North American QSO Party (NAQP Rules) you may have noticed that the rules stated
that the use of Skimmer will be allowed in the Single Op category. This generated a huge firestorm of protest
on the CQ Contest reflector.
The use of Skimmer by single ops in the upcoming NAQP CW has now been disallowed (See Entry Classification -- Section 5.a.ii).
Please note that, if you're an NCJ subscriber, the Jan/Feb issue has already gone to print so will still show the old rules.
73, Jim VE7FO
New PJ entities: did you work 'em all?
Curacao, PJ2 PJ2/K8ND was active as PJ2T in October.
Bonaire, PJ4 PJ4B, PJ4D and PJ4W operations are now QRT.
Saba PJ6 and St. Eustatius PJ5 PJ6A DXpedition in Oct. now QRT
Sint Maarten, PJ7E operation is now QRT.
Oct. 13: ARRL four new DXCC entitites in Caribbean
Oct. 13: CQ Magazine four new DX entitites in Caribbean
Oct. 13: New IOTA group announced
David VA7DXC reports on his CQWW SSB experience at the N7BT multi-op at Paul W7IV's Bellingham QTH last month.