Silent Keys
We are shaped by our past. The knowledge, cameraderie and amateur radio
spirit we share today are built on the legacies of hams who made our hobby
what it is. They got involved, encouraged, taught, and shared. May we all
do the same, in their memory.
In memoriam, we share an important reminder from the late Rev. Isabel Healy-Morrow, VE7ICH (sk) from her thoughtful address at the 2010 Pacific Northwest DX Convention.
Time seems to roll out more and more quickly as we get older, just like accidentally dropping a roll of toilet tissue on the floor. Once it starts to unravel, it seems impossible to stop. For example, in the Canadian Forces veterans , we now lose 75 a day in Canada
As life and all its demands and busyness unfolds, we may find ourselves caught unprepared by the untimely passing of a fellow ham. Being a ham is more than possessing techical skills and talent. It means becoming a part of a global brotherhood that wraps golden signals of kindness, care, respect, patriotism, loyalty and compassion for others around this fragile planet.
When we learn that a fellow ham has been promoted to higher service, our hearts grieve. I would llike to remind us to think about each of our LEGACY.
This day, exactly one year ago, one of my most cheriched friends , Jackie Martin, a highly skilled nurse, with the most incredible legacy of caring, died at age 42 of breast cancer. This night, I honour her life, and her courage, for she fought a valiant battle.
Tonight I'd like to reflect on the concept of LEGACY.
Not that long ago, Dwight and I were saddened to hear of the passing of VE7BC Tom Wong, whom I am sure many of you knew. Besides contributing to the opening of China for amateur radio, Tom's personal legacy was humor. We could be having a tough week, and then Tom would send out one of his outrageous emails, full of humour, mostly at his own expense. Every time I think of Tom, I want to laugh.
I would now ask for a minute of silence for all the recent silent keys.
What legacy have our silent keys left us as their gift?
Tonight, ask yourself, What legacy am I leaving behind me? Is it one of kindness, honour, care, diligence, and compassion? Thinking of these virtues shapes our thoughts, which then shape our actions, and thus the lives of others, some of who may be hundreds of miles away.
May our silent keys never be forgotten, and may their legacies live in our hearts. 73
The following list of silent keys includes members of the Orca DX and Costest Club, and members of the British Columbia DX Club who became silent keys before the Orca DX and Contest Club was established.
Adam Farson, VA7OJ March 2024
Isabel Healy-Morrow, VE7ICH March 26, 2023
Richard Thompson, VE7XT December 2022
David Frost, VE7VF November 2022
Jim Smith, VE7FO November 2022
Mike Burgoyne, VE7WY / VE7CMN February 2021
Kenneth Cote, VE7KRC December 2019
Brett Garrett, VE7GM August 2018
William Foster, VE7WWW May 14, 2018
Gene Krehbiel, VE7KB January 5, 2017
Gene Krayco, VE7NX May 19, 2012
David Bishop, VE7PO August 10, 2010
Chuck Johnson, VE7WO April 18, 2010
Tommy Wong, VE7BC October 19, 2008
Vic Waters, VE7ALR August 19, 2008