Dick Moen N7RO
My career in Amateur Radio began in 1950, when at the age of 10, I bought a new radio that had a short-wave band on it, (160M) and I listened to hams talking and got interested.
My first call was W7VRO in 1953 at age 13, and after putting up a 60-foot tower and a three-element beam for 20M, I was hooked on DX, and had DXCC within a year.
I enjoyed collecting QSLs so much that in 1965, I decided to help others with QSLing and became a QSL manager. Since then, I have handed out over half a million QSL cards. Some of these included 5N2AAF, CR6AI, CR7FR, ZK1BM, 5H3KJ plus a ton of others.
Currently I handle the cards for more than 20 active stations -- see the list on QRZ.com.
I also enjoy DX contesting and have over 40 certificates for contest wins.
In 1972 I put up monobanders on 40M thru 10M plus six wire antennas for 80M to support my multi-op contest activities over the ensuing 25 years. In 1997 I reverted back to being a single-op contester.
In 1977 I changed my call to N7RO. In 1982 I started the "N7RO DX QSL Service" and had over 2,400 "customers," and I handled around 1 million cards in total.
I have worked all countries on SSB and Mixed. My totals are 368 SSB, 350 on CW, and 200 on RTTY. I completed 5BDXCC #609 in 1978.
Dick with another box of QSL cards.
I used to have three separate towers, though just one is currently up -- an 80' crank-up with a SteppIR DB36.
In 1996 I shifted focus to chasing IOTAs and I'm near the 1,000 level now.
My rig is a Yaesu FT-2000 and Alpha 87-A amplifier. My logging program is DX4WIN and contest programs by N3FJP.
Since retiring from the electronic engineering field in 2007, I have had more time for hamming and travel with the wife. We have a grown son.
I have been the ARRL Northwestern Div. DX Advisory Committee representative since 1994.
I have operated from ZK1RRO (So. Cook) and ZK1XXP (No. Cook) 1997; YK9A, Syria (2001); FP/VE7SV (2004); and XE1/N7RO (2008), as well as N7RO/P (IOTA NA169), LZ/N7RO, SV8/N7RO, and A47RS. Other personal DX calls include: 8P6DM, FM0IX, J6LAM, VP2GBG.
Dick N7RO in the shack
From left: W7KCZ (now SK), JA3CZY, and Dick N7RO